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Professional Certification & Services




0800 474 338

WorkSafe Approved Certified Handlers

If you handle acutely toxic (class 6.1A and 6.1B) substances, explosives, fumigants and vertebrate toxic agents you must obtain Certified Handler certification or be supervised by a person who does.  

We work closely with Compliance Certifiers to assist candidates with achieving this. 

*Please note only Compliance Certifiers can sign off on Certified Handlers*

There are two types of applications. Agrichemicals and Industrial Chemicals.

The WorkSafe guide below provides additional information on certified handlers, and you can also  download a copy of our application forms.

Certified Handler Requirements

Certified Handler – Agrichemicals Application Checklist

Certified Handler – Industrial Chemicals Application Checklist

Certified Handlers

Get In Touch Today

There are several different requirements to become a certified handler to meet the WorkSafe performance standard. If you are unsure what exactly you need, or need clarification get in touch by filling out the form below.

We are here to help.

Certified Handler Contact Us (Desktop/Tablet)